Mark Terry

Polar Plunge 2025

Support the 2025 Canadian Geographic Polar Plunge!

This year we are joined by notable Canadians, explorers, adventurers and RCGS Fellows. The #CanGeoPolarPlunge will help the Society raise important funding for the rich storytelling and engaging interviews that take place under the banner of Canadian Geographic and the Explore podcast.

Our goal is to raise $50,000! With your help we can continue to expand Canadians’ knowledge of our country’s diverse human and physical landscapes, better preparing them for an uncharted future.

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Added a Blog Post

Received 5 Donations

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Pro Patria

Saturday 15th Feb
"Pro Patria" is the official motto of the Royal Canadian Regiment (RCR). It is a Latin phrase meaning "For Our Country" and is perhaps the ultimate reason I participate in the fund-raising efforts and Polar Plunge events of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society each year. Having had the honour to serve with the RCR during its peacekeeping efforts in Kosovo at the turn of the century as a digital archivist, I produced a documentary that aired on Remembrance Day for the next 10 years on Global Television called "We Stand On Guard", starring Canadian icon and RCR veteran Gordon Pinsent. That film and the RCR motto come to mind these days as our nation's sovereignty is threatened. Now, more than ever, we need to "stand on guard" for Canada and its people. Supporting the Polar Plunge may seem like a minor contribution to the great work done by the Society's environmental researchers and national cartographers, but it is also a symbolic gesture of patriotism that our great nation needs right now. 
It's why I represent Canada each year at the UN climate summits presenting our students' research; it's why I teach Environmental Studies and Canadian History at our universities; it's why I work with Indigenous communities here and abroad to relay their stories of land-based environmental solutions using film as a communications tool; it's why my passion for this country is commemorated on the back of the Canadian $50 bill (ref:; it's why my UN project, the Youth Climate Report, provides our Polar Plunge patches to all supporters who donate at least $100.
So please join me this year by supporting my Polar Plunge and help me stand on guard for Canada.
Be Cold. Be Bold. Pro Patria!
Mark Terry, PhD, FRCGS

Thank you to my Sponsors


Mark Terry




Markus Reisenleitner


Mary Anne Resendes


Suzanna A.

You’re doing great! Keep it up! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Deborah Macdonald

Good luck, Mark!!