Ice Breakers

Polar Plunge 2025

Support the 2025 Canadian Geographic Polar Plunge!

This year we are joined by notable Canadians, explorers, adventurers and RCGS Fellows. The #CanGeoPolarPlunge will help the Society raise important funding for the rich storytelling and engaging interviews that take place under the banner of Canadian Geographic and the Explore podcast.

Our goal is to raise $50,000! With your help we can continue to expand Canadians’ knowledge of our country’s diverse human and physical landscapes, better preparing them for an uncharted future.

Thank you to our Sponsors



Good luck frozen Rosie


Laura Konantz

Good luck with your cold plunge, Rosemary! 🥶All for a good cause 🇨🇦 Laura xo


Gord Konantz

Ok Rosie - ONE / TWO / THREE…….J U M P! I’ll be with in spirit, honey. Gord